Are You Ashamed Of Biting Your Lips in Public? Learn The NYSC Anthem Before Camp

Are You Ashamed Of Biting Your Lips in Public? Learn The NYSC Anthem Before Camp
Are You Ashamed Of Biting Your Lips in Public? Learn The NYSC Anthem Before Camp


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Have you ever been in a situation where you are expected to sing a particular song and you don’t actually know how to even start, where to pause or modulate? That’s what also happens in camp, when you are expected to sing the NYSC anthem and you can’t.. You already can feel how embarrassing that would be.. Just imagine yourself in camp, with the full knowledge of the anthem and almost everything in camp like you where there before..hehehe.. its funny right?.. Prior preparation saves the day, they say… This is the reason why you’ll need to learn the NYSC anthem before hand…

For me, i had to quickly memorize the anthem to avoid embarrassment.. No one wants to be in a situation like that after all.. This is the reason, i set this post up for you, so you don’t find yourself in the situation i was… Surprisingly, some people never did memorize the anthem completely till after the second week in camp, because i still saw some people almost chewing there mouth on the parade ground severally… You’ll often see people in the hostel memorizing and echoing the NYSC anthem, (See Also ; The Hostel Story You Will Never Be Told Till You Get To Camp).. Now to avoid being in that category, below is a video of the NYSC anthem.. Watch it and get used to it before camp.. Its not hard, its easy and within few minutes you should be accustomed to it,..

Let me give you the lyrics first

  • Youth obey the clarion call
  • let us lift our Nation high
  • Under the sun or in the ran
  • With dedication and selflessness
  • Nigeria is ours Nigeria we serve..

I wish you all the best in camp….

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  • Gbenga Ajisefinni

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