Positive Self-Esteem | My Esteem


By bertha kalaowubo

Table of Contents

When I was born, I was given a name because I needed an identity something that references me and I was named, Bertha meaning bright. I grew up with a lot of people and I’ve always considered myself different. My early teenhood was nearly ripped out by the monster called body shaming. Why wouldn’t that monster eat and reduce my self-esteem? I always cared what people say, never realizing that people are like babbling babies, always talking whether or not it makes sense. I would starve and call it dieting all because I don’t want to stay fat and to murder my ears is to refer to me as short.

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I’ve always battled fat and been forced to accept being short but I’ve come to realize that being the short, fat one isn’t entirely my identity. I am different, I’ve always felt that way and everyone needs to know that. I was desperate to brand myself in the light of a unique identity. My cousin would say “nobody cares what you look like as long as you’re successful”.

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My journey of transformation began in my mind and that’s the first step toward gaining a positive self-esteem. Having accepted the Lord I began to walk in pursuit of my purpose. What am I? I am a writer, a poet, and a speaker but I was bent on becoming a doctor not because I so wanted but because it was prestigious to the people around me. Again, that was me worrying over that people say and think. But being a doctor is not my identity. It didn’t feel comfortable, it isn’t what I am.


As my mind matured to the understanding of myself I started to raise my flag, seizing every opportunity to advertise myself. I love to communicate, I’d rather write a thousand books with a candle light that handle a surgical knife. I started out on the path to becoming me, changed my course of study, got in connection with people of like minds and now I know within myself that I am happy. I am no longer ashamed to walk on the streets because I’ve found confidence in my identity. I may be short and I may be fat but I’m the only one that’s me and this me is resourceful and unique.


Everyone associates with success, I am that success and as long as my body stays healthy and fit people may say as they please I will always love what I am and even more what I look like. Bertha is bright and bright indeed. Whenever people gather to talk about me they’d call my name because it references me and all that I am. It is my identity, it is me.

However, way you look, you are unique and it is your responsibility to let others see the beauty you possess. Shine in the light of a positive self-esteem. Let your appearance be healthy and confident it’d frightened the monster called body shaming and let your path be successful because you deserve the honour it brings. Always remember that your identity is unique to you alone. It is yours.


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