What Not to Say to a Car Dealer: 4 Things

What Not to Say to a Car Dealer: 4 Things

When did you last purchase a brand-new vehicle? Maybe a few months or maybe a few years have passed. You might need a refresher course on the purchasing procedure if it has been a while. Knowing the right questions to ask at the auto dealership is a crucial part of preparing.

But did you know something just as significant as the queries? knowing what to avoid saying. If you wind up speaking out of both sides of your mouth, you can leave the auto dealership dissatisfied with the price of the vehicle.

Are you wondering what to say or do not say while purchasing a car? The following are four things you should never say to a vehicle salesperson.



1. Never provide your employment information to an automobile salesperson.


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Do you know what to do if you work as a doctor, lawyer, or in any other well-paying profession? Don’t tell anyone else. Why? Well, for starters, they don’t really need to know this information. Dealers frequently employ a tactic called pricing discrimination, which is another factor. Here is an illustration of what it is in case you’re unclear.

Say you work as a doctor. For $20,000, an automobile model is sold to you. A another applicant enters and identifies himself as a teacher. He is given the opportunity to purchase the same model for only $10,000. Price discrimination at its worst. It involves offering different consumers the same item at various price points based on their income and other considerations. Sadly, the Federal Trade Commission states that in most circumstances, this is permissible.

Therefore, refrain from disclosing any information that is not required for the transaction. Be as vague as you can when the dealer inquires about your profession. If you are a licensed physician, you may simply state that you work in a hospital or the healthcare industry without going into additional detail. You don’t have to make it up that you work at a low-paying job. It can backfire, and the dealer might decide not to sell you the car at all if they are concerned about your capacity to pay.


2. Never express the opinion that all salesmen are dishonest.


It’s possible that you have unfavorable preconceptions about vehicle salespeople. When you first enter the property, you might be inclined to say such things out loud. Even worse, you could tell the first vendor that approaches you that. Don’t!

Whatever your feelings may be towards vehicle sellers, never express them to them. It is useless to you. Keep in mind that not all of them are charlatans. They’re simply trying to make a life by doing what they’re doing. Many of them are competent in their work and helpful. If you approach them with a bad attitude right immediately, you won’t learn that.

Being as polite as you can is the finest thing you can do. Keep your guard up, but resist the urge to snap or assume the worst. Ask questions regarding the vehicle you wish to purchase, and be prepared to hear the salesperson’s perspective. If you’re lucky, the dealer will like you more for being real. They can be more open to negotiating the price if they want to assist you.

In particular if it’s your first automobile, if you treat the car salesman well during your initial meeting, they may give you further advice on what you can do semi-annually to keep your car in ideal shape.



3. Never focus on insignificant car features

As was previously mentioned, be careful to prepare any questions you wish to ask the dealer. In the first case, make sure your inquiries are as meaningful as possible. Avoid concentrating excessively on the radio, cup holders, vehicle coverings, or carpets. That can create the wrong impression and suggest that you are not a serious customer. Even worse, you could be purchasing a car for the first time. The greatest personalized vehicle coverings are always available for a reasonable price from yourself.

When you ask small-minded queries, salespeople can almost smell a new sale. They’ll start harassing you and trying to upsell you on items you don’t actually desire.


Instead of inquiring about less important aspects of the automobile, you should be asking about more important ones. ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT RELIABILITY, MPG, SAFETY FEATURES, WARRANTIES, AND SO ON. Likewise, if you need to export the automobile somewhere else, find out about your possibilities for car shipping. It will be clear to the dealer that you have done your homework if you ask them these specific questions. Your resistance to further sales pressure will be obvious to the auto salesperson. You can inquire about the more minor aspects of the automotive characteristics after you have addressed the important, vital inquiries.





4. Never mention your trade-in at the start to a car dealer


Don’t say anything about trading in your old automobile. If you mention the trade-in immediately away, it diverts attention from your purchase to your used vehicle. Your car will be requested by them. They’ll next start listing the problems and shortcomings with your automobile. Your poor trade-in value will quickly become apparent to you. You won’t be trading from a position where you have an advantage then. Their assessment of your automobile will now be decided by you. The dealer might not want to negotiate their price if they anticipate having to pay you more on the trade-in.

The finest bargain on the ideal car should be your primary concern instead.You may then bring up the trade-in after that. So, before displaying your hand, you have already seen the dealer’s hand.

Never forget that it’s just as important to know what to say and what not to say at a vehicle dealership. Don’t divulge too much information that might give the auto salesman the upper hand. Maintain a need-to-know basis for them. By doing this, you may leave the dealership with your new automobile and be satisfied with the amount you paid.



  • Gbenga Ajisefinni

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