7 Things to Be Mindful of While in Nysc Camp

7 Things to Be Mindful of While in Nysc Camp

You just got your call up letter and you’re happy that you’re going to serve your father land for a year… But do you know that there are things you have to know before hand to prepare you for where you’re going?

For some who have senior brothers or sisters who have served before them and have gained advantage due to information passed to them would be said to be lucky and advantaged.. However, how about you that might not have that advantage…

Not to worry, this article is for you, just read through and meet up…


But before i go into that please it escaped my mind in other articles to write down things you should carry along with you to the Nysc camp; Go alone with the following..

  • Your documents; call up letter,
  • Your, physical fitness doctors report from a reputable hospital, preferably a federal government approved hospital.
  • Passports like 8 to 10
  • Your school id card.
  • But if you can still carry all your documents with you no problem.. Put them in a file well packaged in your box..
  • Also make sure you come along with 2 extra pairs of whites and shorts plus stockings and a white shoe for insurance purposes..  The Nysc whites don’t last more than 5 days and are always oversize or undersized..
  • Also buy a small pocket bag to keep your phone, keys and power band plus small light belongings like money and Atm, youll see it in on me in one of my Nysc camp photos..


when we arrived at the camp gate, we were greeted by the soldiers.. They told us to join the queue we saw there. First, our luggage were seriously scrutinized in case of any exhibits..

Electronic gadgets, knives, and some kind of key holders weren’t allowed in..


They were seized right there at the gate if any was found.  


Our documents were verified, all of them.. Our call-up letters, statement of result, O level result, School ID, etc Were temporarily verified..

I said temporarily because we still went through another serious verification at the next verification line… I felt relieved the moment i passed that step..  


The above quote was taken from my other article in my Nysc travel experience to Akwaibom post …

So with that in said, lets move forward..

The following are guides you should follow in the Nysc camp



When I say uniform, I mean all the officers in camp( Soldiers, police, civil defence, man o war etc).. 

I have seen people get into unnecessary trouble just because they disregarded  direct instructions from officer’s in camp..  I remember one afternoon on the parade ground. I saw a lady with sleeping foam(bed) on her head going round the parade ground to the view of everyone (what a disgrace)… I was like, what did this lady do now.. The video actually circulated on social media then.. I later heard that she disobeyed a direct instruction… Well, ladies take note, most of those uniform men tackle pretty ladies that form, both guys too be guided… Even an insulting gesture or silent word can put you into big trouble in camp.. 

See Also; My NYSC Travel Experience In Akwa Ibom State Nigeria

See Also: The Hostel Story You Will Never Be Told Till You Get To NYSC Camp



Well, you know where you are coming from already, so you can judge yourself well.. Never mind still but don’t be deceived, there are many big men’s children in camp.. You’ll always see them in the mami market with friends, mostly ladies ( mami market is the camp market, where you can buy whatever you like) They spend money anyhow.. Some don’t even eat the free camp food as bosses nw… I know of many.. The only time they have to use their meal ticket is when they want to collect their bicycle allowance or the normal allawee ( You’ll be given your first allawee in camp).. I know of guys who eat like 6times a day because of these big boys and girls levels, I call them Willshare… 


See Also: 4 best strategies on how to use your 33k NYSC allawee judiciously…


Yet, don’t copy them.. You might be tempted to impress one girl with a big backyard that doesn’t really care about you, be guided… Watch your spending so you don’t regret later on.. I have seen people that just a few days of coming into camp they got broke assed….. Because they were carried away by camp life…. 



As you know already, everyone in camp came from different institutions… Some with criminal records and tendencies.. Different human beings all Flood in camp and then begin to look for their type.. You know there’s a saying that goes like this “birds of the same feathers fly together “….  You’ll always see those ones who always get into trouble often and for one reason or the other, they must commit one offence…. I know staying on your own isn’t the best, because I know most people don’t like being alone… But if you must have a friend, choose wisely to avoid pairing yourself with a rogue.. At least someone has to have your back at times.. For me I chosed reasonable friends but not more than two… That was my choice… 

See Also :Are You Ashamed Of Biting Your Lips in Public? Learn The NYSC Anthem Before Camp



IF you love fatigue exercises from military men, then don’t dress well.. Sag your white knickers.. You’ll really enjoy the frog jumps in camp period… 

See Also :4 Immediate Opportunities And Unique businesses for Female Graduates After NYSC

What Business Can I do As A Corper ?



I know some ladies will be angry with me here…But please the truth must be told.. There are some individuals in camp that will never spend their own money in camp, rather they bounce on others till they leave camp, there Kobo is not spent on anything for their own consumption… It will seem like a joke to you now till you get to camp, you’ll understand… Believe me, they’re always present in every batch, be guided.. Hold your pocket well oh.. 



A friend of mine almost spent all his money on photographs.. Enticed by tricky and sweet mouth photographers who will fly from nowhere and take pictures of you from every angle possible with all kung-fu styles and persuade you to pay in part for it… You know the funny thing?  You’ll always see at least 3 of them that you like and won’t want to leave… You know you have 3 weeks to spend there in camp right? hehehe.. So be careful… You can always just say NO!! 



I can’t over emphasize this, but just know that there are thieves in camp.. They’re fellow Corp members like you, it’s not writing on the face.. People with the habit of theft also graduate and come to camp… Just be very careful and don’t trust anyone… 

Being mindful of the above mentioned, I guess you’ll be fine… Now next stop, I’ll be giving you the few camp rules to brooding your camp knowledge… 

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  • Gbenga Ajisefinni

    is the founder and editor of nysc connect... He loves to share contents on; educational guides, Job search globally, scholarship opportunities, personal development, plus related news from varying & credible sources to keep readers guided and informed. You can follow him via the following socials

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